The amazing bass of ‘I Love It’

Icona Pop’s ‘I Love It’ has one of the coolest bass lines. Despite the fact that it’s so dumbly simple. I still like it. What can I say… I’m a teenager.

(This  song, where they featured Charli XCX, is probably their only really good hit. What do you think?) Continue reading

Danny Wilson’s ‘Mary’s Prayer’

So I was playing this weird game with my friend Shameeka, which involves texting song lyrics back and forth. The lyrics have some semblance of a relationship with each other, so it’s like a very funny chat which is suddenly overtly romantic and suddenly extremely angsty.

So something she sent reminded me of this song I had heard a few times on the radio, which I didn’t know by name. So I did what anybody does–I Googled it. What I searched for, of course, was ‘leave a light on in heaven for me lyrics’, and the results showed up ‘Mary’s Prayer’. And I was like, ‘What? what Mary? what prayer? this is a love song for goodness’ sakes!!’ Continue reading